Public Cloud Storage and Database Review (May 2020 update)


Clearly, cloud providers are aligning themselves in offering common database and storage services;

  • Relational Databases
    • All providers offers a custom (or native cloud) solution that have the advantage of better scalability, HA options and price but generate a lock-in
    • They also offer a managed service of market databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MariaDB  to simplify the migration of legacy applications and avoid lock-in
    • The size limit is 64TB (100 TB for Azure)
  • Non Relational Databases (Key Value, Columnar, Document and Graph)
    • In this case the bet of all providers is to develop only custom solutions per each kind of Non Relational Databases
    • There is some consensus to offer a Document Database with MongoDB compatibility (with the exception of Google).
    • The Graph Database is emerging in 2019, and Google and Alibaba that don’t have a custom development are offering JanusGraph deployment waiting for a custom solution to be developed.
    • Amazon and Alibaba have decided to create a specialized Timestream database for IoT events and operational applications.
  • Storage Services
    • All the providers offers a similar portfolio of Block, Object and File storage services even with similar SLA (except Alibaba that is lower)
    • Hybrid approaches was the trending topic in the last years.
  • In memory Cache
    • All providers bet to implement a Redis solution, but they also started to include Memcache in the in memory solution.

However, there are some relevant differences:

  • Relational Databases
    • Google has developed additional technics like Interleaved tables to improve the performance of his custom solution (Cloud Spanner)
    • Amazon offers more options of Market Managed Database and better tools for migrating databases from on-premises
    • Azure offers his well know SQL Server as the custom solution with the higher size; 100 TB and good latency.
    • The Database sizes in Alibaba are very low (2-16 TB) and the SLA is also below than his competitors (99.9%)
  • Non Relational Databases (Key Value, Columnar, Document and Graph)
    • Azure is the only cloud provider that has opted to implement a multimodal database with SQL access (Azure Cosmos DB) with homogeneous capabilities and SLA
    • Amazon is specializing its non-relational databases to cover very specific tasks that are currently demanded by the market such as; Timestream databases and cryptographically verifiable ledger (Blockchain). In addition Amazon are adding Cache specific solution to his more used Databased like DynamoDB
    • Google offers a Pricing model focus on storage and access omitting instances and technical resources required.
  • Storage Services
    • During 2019-2020 AWS and Azure are making efforts to improve critical hybrid solutions for their customers. However, GCP, which is less sensitive to business needs, has hardly improved in this regard.
  • In memory Cache
    • Amazon offers the best implementation of Redis with a capacity of up to 250 TB and AZ replication

Finally an option to consider to avoid the lock-in of the implementations of the cloud providers is to bet by multi-cloud market managed database like MongoDB Atlas where you can port your Database to GCP, AWS or Azure platform with very lower impact to the applications.